All posts by David Fausnaugh

August Newsletter 2022


Dear Sponsors, Donors and Friends,

From Miryante, we greet you as beloved friends. We are pleased to report that all Miryante Community Centre children are fine and healthy, and we appreciate your generous and kind support. Thank you for always putting a smile on their faces. The month of August marked the beginning of second term holiday, and our children were having a break as they waited for the beginning of the third term.

Our Centre Days are such precious moments for the children who are able to meet together. During Center days this August, different activities were enjoyed by enrollees in the Mubende area. For example, all children participated in shading and trimming off hair, slashing the grasses, cleaning the compound, reading story books etc. As part of mentoring and teaching, children were instructed on how to have proper hygiene. This is done to ensure that they grow up considering cleanliness as one of the major priorities in life. They were also encouraged to have discipline and respect their elders/guardians.

We are so proud of our young people, and enjoy watching them grow into responsible young adults.

May God bless you.



Our children finished their second school term of the year and sat for their exams. Most had excellent performance, and we believe that with an emphasis on education and school visits with social workers continue to keep students motivated to achieve better grades. Holidays started on 29th July 2022 and will end on 5th September 2022. The children are enjoying their relaxing time and engaging in different holiday activities. They also received scholastic materials for next term. We really thank you our donors for the additional effort and support you contribute towards the children’s education.


Our children received gifts to support them in school. The children were excited and thankful to their donors’ unending love. They received boxes of pens, playing toys, clothes and mats etc. Huge thanks goes to Mihir Sanghrajka and Nitro Chemicals for their donation of pens to our kids. We also thank Jamil and Fatema for donating toys to our children. We also received donation of sanitary towels, which are critical for our adolescent girls.

Donor's Visit

A source of power is extremely important for the functioning of the Miryante Community Centre program. This month we want to thank Aptech Africa for giving us a solar pump irrigation machine as one way to overcome drought in the area. A loss of rain has deeply affected the production of food within the Miryante area. This solar pump system has enabled us to continuously grow vegetables such us cabbage, sukuma, tomatoes and onions, and our women were very happy and thankful to our donors. Women were taught how to operate the machine and skills as well.

Food Distribution

In August, our social workers delivered food as usual to our children. Each child received a bag of posho, which is critical for foster home health as most families face a challenge of food insecurity. Children and caretakers were thankful and appreciative for the support given to them. We advised the caretakers of these children to prepare meals in time to serve children food with their medication so that they swallow their drugs well. In the Miryante East program, each child happily received a bag of maize flour; this has enabled them to always have three meals a day. Thank you for efforts you put in to make sure that none of them suffer from an empty stomach. Manna pack rice was also issued. This rice contains most of the nutrients needed to boost our children’s immunity since most of them are HIV-positive. The children enjoy the rice so much and change is visible in their lives.

Click here for emailed Newsletter August 2022

July Newsletter 2022

Director's Message

Dear beloved sponsors, donors and friends,

We greet you all. We thank the almighty God who has enabled us to reach this far. The children are all healthy and happy, thank you for the generous and never-ending support you always render to us. May the good Lord continue blessing you.

We must report that due to a prolonged drought in the country which resulted into famine in different areas, Miryante Community Centre decided to get a solar irrigation pump to help in farming activities like the growing of vegetables and other crops. Through doing this, Miryante Community Centre managed to became a leading supplier of vegetables in the community. Our children started eating a balanced diet almost daily because we were producing vegetables in plenty, and this improved their lives. What a wonderful investment in our area.

Construction of the MCC site is still ongoing. Currently a security fence is being constructed, helping both with staff and child safety. We also met with village leaders to discuss the issue of trespassing, and all concerns were successfully resolved. This is great progress for our efforts and community.


Program Updates

Education: Our children are always visited in both primary and secondary schools. Supplies they need at school were also delivered as the social workers check on their performance in class. According to reports collected and explanations from class teachers, most of our children performed well in their mid-term exams and are promising better results in their final exams. The teachers also tell us the children are well-behaved and well dressed.

Sports: One of the most important aspect of growing up is to have fun. Staff and social workers organizes a variety of different activities like foot ball, playing cards, basketball, and running. These activities have helped our children to become fit and healthy.

Culture: Our secondary students participated in entertainment activities at their school. Music, Dance and Drama Day was organized at their school to create entertainment competitions amongst four houses. The best house won a prize, and its members had a party as a prize. This event showcased folk songs, cultural dances, fashion competitions, skits, and miming.

Birthday Celebration: Birthday celebrations are not always possible, so a birthday party is extra special and makes the children feel good, special, and loved. According to Vincent Aijuka, who received a special sponsored birthday party, the celebration was an important moment in his life and he was happy joining together with his other fellow children as they enjoyed that day of his birthday. It was a surprise party from his sponsor Gwen Wolford, and it was amazing. Cakes and drinks were ordered that day and photos can show how the party went. This was such a generous treat for this young man and his friends!

Farming and Agriculture: Involving our children in hands-on activities allows them to explore and learn new concepts through experience. This will help them mature from hardworking children into adults who are dependent on their skills. It is Miryante’s hope that we are developing future entrepreneurs and useful self-employed people in the community.
Rearing goats is one of the most vital activities provided to our children by the organization. Providing a child with a goat teaches them and expands their opportunities. It also assists with wealth creation since goats occupy a small space and need a small grazing area but also can provide a source of milk and meat. Often these creatures help to provide children and their foster families with supplementary income. Below are some of our children with their own animals, provided through Miryante Community Centre.


Farming is one of the activities promoted to our sponsored children as a way to promote sound household diet. This is done with social workers and other instructors who teach the children how to make nursery beds, plant seeds, raise seedlings, water and transplant crops. Most of children are willing to learn and acquire knowledge and skills for health. This has also helped us to provide a balanced diet. The initiative is intended to build resilience as well as provide essential vitamins and minerals to vulnerable households. Our children rarely fall sick because they eat vegetables almost daily, and we are happy to report that their health has greatly improved. Besides that, solar pump irrigation machine is also being installed in place to simplify farming activities as one way of overcoming drought. We are proud of these advances and the skills we teach.


See the full newsletter here: Miryante Newsletter July 2022

June Newsletter 2022

Dear Beloved Donors, Sponsors, and friends:
Welcome to our June Newsletter. We are in the middle of the year and we thank God who has brought us this far. All our children are healthy and with great gratitude we thank all our donors who have enabled all activities to be of success. Lots of activities have taken place as shown below:


As usual, we always carry out center days where the social workers meet all the children together. Children share what they face in their daily lives and are advised accordingly. Different activities are always carried out i.e. coloring pictures, writing letters to sponsors, distributing clothes etc. The children are also encouraged to maintain proper hygiene. They also help to cut the grass in the compound as a way of beautifying the compound and preventing a bushy area. They always receive breakfast and meals on time. We are therefore happy to let you know that the children are fine and doing well.

Some donors from USA visited our office in their free time and delivered items like clothes, story books, play materials among others and they visit the site as well. This visit is mainly done to monitor the children they sponsor and to see how they are doing in school, with their health, and with their foster families. According to records and pictures from by social workers there is a great improvement in the children in terms of their health and emotional well-being. Below are the photos of one of our dear sponsors Mr. Michael Wilbanks and his son Patrick visiting our children.

Our children completed their beginning of term exams for the second term. Most of them performed well and their results are promising. School fees/tuition was fully paid for each child. We are greatly thankful to our dear donors for the support you contribute towards the children. You create a safe and happy environment for them.

As Miryante Community Center we have a structure which is acting as a store and also as the security guard’s accommodation. We have managed to install a solar panel which was donated by one of the Rotarians in the Ohio last year in December. The site looks more organized even in the night. This has also been one way of keeping the site secure. A qualified electrician was employed to do installing in the house and he did it well and the photo below can show more evident.

Children always play different games whenever they meet together. They play games like soccer, puzzles, cards etc. They feel good whenever they are playing, and this also helps them bond and create friendships.

Most of the children are doing well health wise. We had a few children with jiggers, but these cases were treated. Children with chronic illnesses go for hospital checkups and are supervised while taking their medication. Otherwise all is going on well in the children’s lives.

Children were reading stories using storybooks. They always enjoy this activity because they always want to know what will happen next. They brainstorm based on what they have heard and this helps them to learn. Such moments create happiness for them and it also teaches them to be attentive during class times while they are at school.

Some women were provided with items like food and books for the children. Other women received counseling on how to live in stable homes free of violence. The women are also counseled on caring for their children.

Currently it’s the dry season and crops are being harvested. Children harvested beans at the center, although the yields were not high because it has been a very short season. The vegetables are still growing and are always irrigated. The water source is also good and water is always pumped to the tank.

Children were given bags of maize flour. Food is always delivered to the children in foster care on a monthly basis. They are always happy and thankful whenever they receive the food. Thank you for the support you provide because it allows us to continue these food donations.


We are over joyed and humbled for the continuous support you render to us. The food donations have enabled our children to stay healthy, especially since all of these children have chronic medical conditions. May God always bless you for feeding them.

We are so grateful to our donors for the efforts put in and we appreciate them for the endless gratitude towards our lovely children. Two of our children received goats this month and both foster families was very happy. These goats will help them with supplementary income and are easy to graze since they don’t need a lot of space. Below are photos:

Building new confidence and skills in our children not only helps in healthy development, but also helps to enhance their emotional strength. Since they come from different backgrounds letting children together encourages brotherhood, learning from one another and also networking which helps in development and building confidence within them.

Agriculture plays a major and significant role in our economy. Training and teaching children garden work helps to nuture and empower them as future entrepreneurs since they gain skills as they grow. When food is available and in steady supply, it creates confidence and fights poverty in our community.


Teaching children how to develop a personal relationship with God helps them to grow spiritually and also to understand the will of God in their lives, forgiveness, and that no one makes perfect choices in life.

April Newsletter 2022

Hello all! This is to appreciate you all for your continuous support for Miryante Community Centre. Again, I thank you all for your contributions and commitment towards supporting our program. We are glad to inform you that we were given a van in-kind from Maryland, USA. This will help incredibly to improve the transportation of our kids with diverse mobility issues and our vulnerable women.



We are happy to let you know that our children are grateful and humbled for the love, care and support shown to them. The social workers always organise special days to meet them and they get a chance to develop a counselling relationship. Children are happy to learn new activities taught by the social workers i.e. they color pictures, were taught how to write letters to their sponsors and also learned how to pray. Breakfast and lunch are served to all of our kids when they visit the community centre. They also read story books, looked at photo albums with magazines, shared candy, and engaged in singing and dancing. They always feel excited whenever they meet with friends in the community.

Our children are visited in schools where they were given uniforms and all school fees were paid. They also did their end of term exams whereby most performed well and their reports were filed and kept by the social workers. They went on school break and currently are being encouraged to study for next term and complete their homework packages. The social workers gave out scholastic materials for next term. We greatly appreciate our dear donors for the support you give us and please know that they are motivated to achieve their career dreams.

Our children participate in different games and sports activities during centre days. They play games like football, round games, tag and war, cards, board games e.g. draft and jingle. They really find joy in playing together.

Since our children are under foster care, they were given gifts like clothes, knotted hand bags, shoes etc.. They were extremely happy and thankful to receive them. They went to church for prayers from their respective homes to rejoice the day of the risen King Jesus Christ. A party was organized for them. They danced, played and had a large meal thanks to the donation from Ghirmay Abraham. We were also able to hire a music system for dancing. It was a nice moment for them to interact and be together. We greatly appreciate the donations given to our dear children that made their day colorful.

Children are doing well health wise, they are always visited in homes to check on how they are doing as well as ensuring the sanitation and hygiene is proper where they stay. Our social workers follow up on health issues and children who are required to take chronic medication are encouraged to take their tablets regularly and also to take enough fluids and nutritious food. Pre-visits are made in hospitals for the children given appointments.

April was a month where we had one of our children celebrate her birthday. This was Cleophas’ birthday where she was surprised by her dear sponsor. Her friends joined her to celebrate with her on her special day and it was a colourful and joyous moment.

Women were mobilized in different communities to attend meetings that will collectively benefit their children in the future. Women got a chance of being trained by a representative from family and child protection unit office who taught them how to nurture their children in a proper way, support the talents, education, and professional careers of their children, and how to resolve family conflicts in order to be the best guardians/mothers for their children.

The construction for the Miryante Community Centre site is going on smoothly despite increased prices of materials, especially cement. However, the pit latrine is complete which was the only remaining project to be finished for our Rotary Club grant. The doors and windows were installed, the bathrooms were levelled and cemented. Supervision by the administrator is always done and all activities are going on well.

Currently we are in a rainy season which will approximately take three months. Our children planted their gardens where they first planted nursery beds and after two weeks they transplanted them to the main garden. Some of the crops that were planted were spinach, eggplants, vegetables and beans. The social workers taught them how to water the crops using watering cans, mulch, and create holes during planting. They were all eager to learn and practice what they were taught. We do believe by the end of the season they will be happy to eat their harvest.

Children are always supported with food in their respective homes. They appreciated the kind of humanity that is shown to them on a monthly basis. The social workers ensure each child is visited and given food. We are very thankful for the support granted to our dear children.


Our children in the East greet you all and hope that everyone is fine. The children are also fine and appreciate the endless support from their beloved donors. They received their first term holidays at the beginning of April and they are hoping to start their second term studies in early May. Please take a look on some of the activities we carried out on our centre days throughout the month of April.

Good hygiene is one of the best ways to protect our children from various diseases and also improve the quality of their lives in the community. Schools also encourage keeping children’s hair short to avoid the inconveniences of combing. Below are some of the photos showing the organization's barber Mr.Kimuli Fred trimming the hair of our children and how beautiful and neat they looked after.

We issue food to every child on our centre days. The organization ensures constant supply of food so as to fight starvation among our children and to make sure none of our children goes on an empty stomach.

Following the organization's slogan of helping one child and family at a time. The organization came up with a policy of goat rearing where a goat is given to each family. This is done to help families in providing supplementary income. (Secondary income with minimum investment) Goats provide milk to help them boost their immunity and if taken care of well, they can multiply. We take this opportunity to thank our donors for the support towards this goat project.

The month of April was holiday time for the children, our social workers encourage parents to teach children how to dig in order to utilize their ideally while on holidays, engaging them in activities that enhance their wellbeing is important in nurturing them. Agriculture is one of the key activities practiced in our society and also the primary source of stable food supply in the community.

Stories help to develop a child’s imagination by introducing new ideas into their world. It encourages children to realise that they can and should imagine anything they want. Story telling also introduces new vocabulary to children, boosts their reading and listening skills and pronunciations.

Coloring can be incorporated into art. Getting children to color helps to nurture them into artists and also helps them to relax their minds because they get to meet their friends and it is interesting.



Click here for the emailed newsletter - Miryante Newsletter April 2022