Volunteer from the UK poses during a cultural exchange tea ceremony
A Volunteer for the UK, Violeta comes to visit. Communications manager Doreen Tigah pictured right.
Children performing a welcome dance for visitors
Children prepare beans for supper
Board Members as of February 2014
Students at the Vocational School complete their practicum of brick laying.
Computer Class at the Vocational School
Goats Donated by the Ugandan Government Agricultural Support Progam (NAADS)
Handover of Directors in February 2014
Graduates from Seventh grade who passed their examinations and will continue on to Secondary School, a huge accomplishment in the Ugandan public school system.
Students in the tailoring class at the vocational school
The Original Water Source
Rose Carrying Water
Excavation for the Tank
Pouring concrete over the aggregate
Searching for stones to mix with cement
Fixing Gutters
Plastering Tank
Children Making Water Filters for Tank
Fetching Water from Original Water Source
Excavation of Tap Area on Tank
Plastering Inside of Tank
Mixing and Lowering Cement
Collecting Water from Gutters
Sifting Building Materials
Children and Finished Tank
Finished Tap on Tank
Nursery Beds
Pumpkin Patch
Cabbage Patch
Building of Chicken Coup
Children Showing off Chickens
Plastering Porch on Dormitory
Plastering Porch on Dormitory
Inside of Dorm After Plastering
Inside of Dorm After Plastering
Inside of Dorm After Plastering
Inside of Dorm After Plastering
Washing the Floor for the First Time After Plastering
FInished Dorm
Children Showing off Finished Dorm
Pit Latrines Before Renovation
Bathing Area Before Renovation
Digging Pit Latrines
Children and Construction of Pit Latrines
First Aid Training with Caretakers
Children Playing Football
Children Sewing Sanitary Pads
Children show off books donated by Bishop Flaget School in Chillicothe, Ohio
Children Drinking their Morning Porridge
Emmy Sweeps the Compound while Children Read in the Background
Children Making Nesting Perches for Chickens
Innocent Makes a Nesting Perch
jewerly made for sell by the children
Our new road to the school and the phanage.
Our Volunteer and the mother during commissioning
Children on a new uniform made for the orphanagepha
Commission day
Children Pause for a Photo
The children do some coloring.
Doreen and Laura working on balancing the books.
The girls take a lunch break.
Paulo and Emma show off the goats at the project.
The children dig in the garden after school.
Basket weaving to sell at the craft market.
Building huts along the road side to sell crafts the children make.
When the children celebrated Christmas they were given new clothes. Here Eria is sporting his new shirt in the “Miryante fashion show”.
All the children gather around to enjoy a soda with their Christmas meal. Volunteer Olly Dally pictured in back row.
A large number of students turned up for the first day of school at for the 2014 year at Miryante Technical School.
Christmas dinner
Cooking cassava
Land Survey Map
Preparing Christmas dinner
Volunteer Max teaches English
Olly eats Christmas dinner
Olly helps with some heavy duty construction
Olly shopping for clothes for Christmas for the kids.
The kids show the Christmas gifts they received from St. Peter’s Church in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Crafts that the children made are on sale at a market along the side of the road.
Liz and the kids
The girls dancing at night
Lauren Myers dispensing hugs
Andrew and his younger brother Guma.
Liz and the kids
The children participate in life skills classes.
Thanks to donations from St. Mary’s School in Lancaster, Ohio and Bishop Flaget in Chillicothe, Ohio, Miryante has worked with ‘Books for Africa’ to create a library. This is one of the only libraries in the district.
Children participate in a Life Skills learning camp.
Fr Aloysious and religious people from Wekomiire Parish come to celebrate mass with the children. Fr. Aloysious is the director of the project.
Laura Corcoran reads to some children books that were donated by Bishop Flaget School in Chillicothe, Ohio