September Newsletter 2018
Under this program, we have manna packed rice which is food containing all nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and all minerals. It has helped our children in the orphanage to receive a proper and balanced diet when they are sick.
Manna pack rice has become a complete meal which is taken by the malnourished children during lunch or supper and the children prefer Manna Pack to other types of foods. At first some children were not enjoying it but now they all eat it.
It has improved on the children’s health because most of the children no longer fall sick and they are energetic.
According to our nurse Twinomugisa Judith’s monthly report, there has been a great improvement on the children’s health thanks to the manna packs according to her examination. It shows that the signs of looking weak, bony, dry skin and hair and occasional sickness have disappeared. According to MUAC (Measurement of Upper Arm Circumference) measurements, all our children are in green (they are growing healthy).
Pictures showing the nurse measuring children with MUAC measurement
School open on 17th of Sept 2018, all of our children are in school as shown below.
Under this program we have five households which the organization started within this year.
The table below shows the Names of guardians, Address and Number of children per household
Kabahuma Margret | Wekomiire | 3 |
Kaahwa Margret | Igunda | 1 |
Tusiime Margret | Migongwe | 4 |
Katusabe Jaresi | Musomba | 1 |
Turihabwe Lydia | Kikyendo | 1 |
TOTAL=10 |
The above households total up to ten children of which six are girls and four boys
When we visit these households our main aim is to check the sanitation and hygiene, performance of the children in school, health and their wellbeing and to know how the guardians have managed to cope up with the continuing program.
Agriculture: There is a great improvement in agricultural activities because all the households have engaged themselves in planting food crops like cassava, beans, banana , Irish potatoes , sweet potatoes , groundnuts, maize, pumpkins among others, in order to supplement on what the organization is providing and also to improve on the balanced diet of their children.
Some children have also developed skills of agriculture i.e. Akello Barbra in Igunda village planted Irish potatoes, maize and beans and also Kansime Irene in Wekomiire village rare hens with her siblings
Sanitation and hygiene: Basing on observation sanitation and hygiene has totally improved.
Health: According to our observation, we found out that Isaac had started walking and had reduced weight basing on his physical appearance. This reduced the burden on the side of the mother because she used to carry him all the time but now his able to move by himself.
Education: children were supplied with scholastic materials and have reported back to school for third term part from Isaac is still at home but we are trying to get him a school near their home where he can be walking every morning this will start with next term. Pictures showing the guardians of the children under guardianship program.
Pictures showing the children under the guardianship programme
Pictures showing Akello Barbra in her garden
Pictures showing Irene Kansiime and her mother feeding their hens
Pictures showing social workers interacting with children
Pictures showing children receiving their scholastic materials and food
Perma garden:
This is an agricultural activity majorly specialized on planting vegetables such as kale, green pepper, egg-plant, tomatoes and onions which are still in nursery bed for this season. It is also called kitchen gardens, which help to maintain vegetables /greens in the home from season to season. There are small gardens owned by each dormitory which can be manageable. During the dry season, the gardens have to be sprayed with water.
It has reduced on expenses of buying vegetables for the children.
Children enjoy the greens and they are healthy.
This program in Miryante was brought in by Madam Alex Rausch the Peace Corps Volunteer.
Pictures of showing perma gardens and Nursery beds.
Pictures showing children and their caretakers making a composed pit for manure that will be put in the Perma garden at increase on the fertility of the soil
Last month we received a number of donations from different groups.
Below are pictures of children holding boxes of milk 476PCS and corn flakes 122PCS. We are able to feed 120 children for two days and for corn flakes we are still feeding the children for another week. We would like to say thank you to the Patel family, Laura’s friends and Loe Traders East Africa LTD for this wonderful donation.
Another donation was from Dr. Gloria Kimuli Serwagi, a lecturer from Makerere university who donated two big boxes of star magic soap, shoes and clothes for the kids. We are really grateful for the love shared with us.
We are also grateful for the the drip irrigation that was donated by Fr. David Baumgartner and a top up from St. Peter’s Church. This is to help us with the vegetable garden such that we are able to run throughout the season. Alex Rausch our volunteer, Kato the caregiver have played a big role in the supervision of this project and also the planting of the vegetable garden.
We are so grateful for the donation of solar panels and the battery for the school administration. We can now print and photocopy at the technical school and this will help us save some money that we have been spending on fuel for the generator.
Guidance and Counseling
Report from the counselor indicates that children’s’ behavior has greatly improved because she no longer handles cases concerning bad behaviors like stealing from the neighbors, escaping from the dormitories /home , abusing care takers and their fellow children, fight among themselves , amongst other characters, etc.
It also indicates that the children are able to interact /seek help from the counselor through sharing their problems they are facing and she gives them immediate help/ support all the time.
Further still shows that the personal hygiene of the children has greatly improved
There has been also a great improvement in academics of the children because the counselor has been in a position to share with the children and guide them on what to do for better grades.
Thank you for all of your support!!