July Newsletter 2018



Hello everyone!

We would like to extend our greetings to everyone out there and also to say thank you for the great support towards our projects.

The children are doing well in their studies in all the different categories that we support and these include: primary under the orphanage, technical, secondary, guardianship and child-headed families.

On 1st of July 2018 we visited our 22 students who study from King Solomon Secondary school. They were all very happy to see us. We also carried them a number of things for all of them and this excited them the more as you see the pictures attached below.

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Technical school! The school has a total of 91 students of which 23 are from the orphanage and the 68 are from the community. Below are some of the pictures taken from the Building class, Carpentry, Tailoring class and hair dressing class.

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Child-headed family program under Kyakak II refugee camp is doing well at with 30 children receiving services under this program. These children receive three meals a day. It’s not only food that we provide. We do also give them scholastic material to help them keep in school. As you see them below, they all look happy.


Through Miryante Orphanage we were able to help distribute mobility devices for people with disabilities in Kyegegwa District through donations from Crutches For Africa.

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We couldn’t wait to update you about our Bio-gas project. This was a donation from Fr. David who visited last year from USA and other missioners that saw this need at the orphanage. We are so grateful for this project because finding firewood has been a big problem. We are now sure of the kids are not going to be missing meals.


We are so grateful for the borehole repairs done by Inno-Pak Company. Our borehole has been giving us giving us water with a lot of sediment until we got this donation to work on it. We are happy to inform you that the water we are getting now is very clean due to the repairs.

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We would also like to expend our sincere thanks to St. Peter’s Catholic Church Ohio for the great donations they have made towards Miryante church and in this includes: 50 Benches, and 15 frames with pictures showing the stations of the cross.  Our children now no longer have to carry desks from the classroom and the dining hall to the church to use since there is a distance to the church and the kids were also accidently breaking some of the desks when they were carrying them.


The Mission group for this year has done a great job by fixing our goats house which has been in a serious need of repair and also our cattle corral. These renovations were done with the help of our children from the carpentry class and the building class. As this was taking place the ladies were having games with the little kids as shown below:

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The month of July ended in a style here at Miryante. On Sunday the day started with a heavy breakfast. The children made for themselves chapatis and porridge with Milk. We had mass then led by Father Amooti  from Kakabara parish and the Director with the help of a Deacon Reed from Ohio.  We later had heavy lunch which included: Matooke, Milet bread, Soda, Fish and G.nuts, Beef (we slaughtered one of the bulls), Rice, Irish potatoes and greens. Below are the pictures.

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After lunch we had a danced organized by the mission group and a number of gifts were given to the kids from Laura’s family and friends, some from Kampala and others from the USA. These included big cakes, Ice cream, Handkerchiefs, sweets, art supplies, shoes, sandals and  dresses donated to all the girls by Mrs. Karla Kensey, Eritrean Bread and many others. We later had an introduction and giving away of our own Laura Corcoran to Mr. Ambish Patel. The function was so colorful which ended with a dance.

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We feel blessed already for loving us that much and for having all of us at heart. We can’t stop praying for you all every day.

Thanks Management.