January Newsletter 2020

Hello Everyone!

Greetings from Miryante Children’s Home and school. We really love you all and we do appreciate all the love and support. All the children are very well and prepared for the new term. They are eager to join classes for the new school year. Below are the updates of pictures of our children getting ready for the new term.

Schools opened on 27th of January 2020. All of our children are in back in their respective schools including the children who just joined the first year of secondary school.

On January 22nd, 21 of our children were confirmed by Bishop Robert Muhiirwa Akiiki at Migongwe Catholic Church.

Guardianship Program:  

Uganda government is pushing to transition orphans from institutions to foster care. At the beginning of this year, we placed more children under the guardianship program, bringing the total number of children to 27.  Before the children joined their guardians, we made a baseline survey to make sure the children will be safe in the homes and we interacted with guardians in a meeting. This program has been welcomed since it was a policy from the ministry. In this program where we monitor the children’s progress, provide counseling and guidance, and give them scholastic materials, bedding, clothes, school fees, and food. We also conduct educative programs with the families such as agriculture and animal husbandry as shown below in the photo:


Manapack rice!

We received a donation of 66 boxes of Manapack rice from Feed My Starving children from the USA. This is one type of foods that our children were introduced to four years a good and they enjoy it so much. We always receive the same packs after every quota.

The food has all the body building nutrients that help our children grow healthy.

We were also grateful for another donation of 160 sport shorts received from Manoj and Ritu and Mrs. Laura and the Patel family that has really blessed us the children.

 Under the Farm:

Our cows are doing very well and so far with 10 baby calves being welcomed to the world. This has multiplied on the liters of milk that we receive everyday for the kids.

Under the agriculture department. We have planted various vegetables like pumpkins eggplants, kale, spinach, carrots and passion fruits. So far we have planted 3 acres as shown below.

Thanks very much for having us at heart!

Miryante Management