May 2016

Newsletter for the Month of May 2016

Greetings from Miryante Orphans Home and School!

The children and staff from both the school and home send you greetings. All the children are in good health and have been out of school for spring holidays.  We have eleven candidates registered to sit for primary level seven graduating examinations. We also have two candidates that have registered for senior graduating exams and three of our children have also registered with the national exams for technical school. They will be graduating and will be resettled by December this year.

While the children were at the home on school holiday, we implemented a time table program that was successful in keeping the children and caregivers active throughout the holiday. The girls have been more involved in sports this holiday than ever before. The girls had football on their time table and they really enjoyed it.

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Our new Agricultural worker, Madam Juliet, conducted daily educational classes in the mornings focusing on animal husbandry topics with the help of the books donated by the 4-H Foundation from Ohio.

We also had several life skills programs including interview skills and money management. Below is the manager pictured teaching our children on finance management.

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The children have been so hard working during the holidays. Some of the activities include helping in the garden to weed the bananas and cassava, helping in the kitchen to cook and also grazing the animals and feeding the pigs.

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Volunteers:  We were blessed to host two volunteers on site Tina and David. They got to know about our organization through Laura our Volunteer manager and we were all happy to see them on site for a few days having fun with the children. They hired a music system for the children and this was fun. The children enjoyed.

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It’s our culture here in Miryante to have at a cow, goat or pig slaughtered for the children at least once every year. We believe as these children contribute a lot towards grazing the cows, goats and also feeding the pigs. They should enjoy eating meat every once in a while to make them happy and to keep them active towards looking after the animals and to help them feel like they have ownership of them.

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We also had Mass led by Rev.Fr.Mugisa. This happens once in a month where the children get a joint mass with the community led by a priest.

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We would like to extend our thanks to Phillipe Duff and Lianna Tasker-Steeves. They made a stop at Miryante on their bicycle trip from Uganda to South Africa and decided to fund raise for the home. Their donation will go towards the education of the children including school fees, tutoring for the children who are not performing well in school, and materials for the Technical School.

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All of our Thanks!

We would also like to thank Gordon Cross and everyone from Aegon for their generous donation of clothes. Now our kids are looking very smart. We are completely humbled and thankful for these donations and the continuous support from everyone which allows us to continue to provide services for our children.

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Thank you so much everyone! God Bless!