Hello everyone!
Greetings from Miryante orphanage and school. We really love you all and we do appreciate all that you’re providing to us. The children are all in good health and all of them are in school. We are glad to inform you that the kids are all very happy. We visit our children every month in their respective boarding schools which include: King Solomon Secondary School Kyatega, Kiganda High School, St. Thomas Hapuuyo, Butiti teacher’s college, and St. Peter Technical School to check on their progress. Their performance is really good and promising. Every time we visit them we take them snacks to make them feel at home and also school requirements as shown in the pictures below:

On the 15th of March, we had a guardians meeting (any relative to our kids were invited to come around). The probation officer was also invited and our main aim of holding this meeting was to keep a good relationship between guardians, staff and children. This took place at Miryante Home in the main hall. Many issues were discussed concerning children’s property at home that was left by their deceased parents. The probation officer advised guardians to always visit their children at Miryante. As shown in the pictures below:

A picture below showing the probation officer, staff of Miryante and some guardians

We celebrated Women’s day on 29th of March 2019 at Kabweza Primary School. Miryante staff and children were also part of the celebrations. We sold some crafts as one way of marketing our Vocational school as shown in the pictures

Pictures showing people buying craft displayed by Miryante team at the celebrations.

On the 26th of this month we got donations from Laura’s friends in Kampala who donated shoes, dresses, trousers and play toys etc. As shown in Pictures below:

Every two weeks we visit the children under this programme to see if they are attending school and their wellbeing. We also do counseling and guidance. Isaac will be joining school next year.

Pictures showing social workers and counselors attending to the guardians and the children:

Pictures showing children under the guardian programme at school.

Pictures showing one of guardian in Wekomiire Village standing near her roofed house and also receiving food.

We are really grateful to our donors for the support. Without this support all this couldn’t be done.
Thanks, Management.