Hello Everyone!
Greetings from Miryante Home and School. We really love you all and we do appreciate all that you’re providing to us. Our children went on school holiday on the 16th of August 2019, and their performance was really promising compared to first term’s performance. We managed to come up with holiday programs to keep the children busy around the home. These programs run from Monday up to Sunday and these activities include prayers, revision, watching videos, cow grazing, rabbit and goat rearing, planting crops, slashing the compound, digging, and soccer matches every evening. This has helped our children learn more skills and has also helped us as management and caregivers to handle them since they are occupied throughout the holiday.
The performance of our children is really promising. Most of our children in primary school and secondary school passed highly in grade I and some in grade II. Also under our technical school, our children are performing very well, especially in practical work. They have learnt a lot of skills in different courses. We held an academic meeting at the orphanage and announced the children with the best performance and encouraged others to give more efforts to their studies since they are left with one term to be promoted to other classes.
On the 15thof August we celebrated 10 years of existence as Miryante Orphans Home. This was sponsored by Father David. Stanbic Bank also made for us a cake and gave us 240 plastic bottles of soda. This was also their love month as a bank , and when we wrote to them they welcomed the idea of sharing love with us since it was their love month. We are really thankful for the great love you show to us as Miryante and the community at large. We had a great meal of matooke, rice, meat, groundnuts, fish, greens etc. Later we cut the cake and they also enjoyed the music. Thank you Father David and Stanbic Bank for making our children smile. Below are the photos:

We are also happy to inform you that Father Erineo was able to trace the bag of donated clothes from Ohio and the airlines found it. Thanks very much Mama Karla and Papa Rich for the clothes. The children really loved the beautiful colors. Below are the pictures of the bag and the children on the clothes.

In the same month, we attended training on how to use menstrual caps. This training was conducted by our Peace Corps Volunteer, Alex Rausch before she left. These were donated to us by one of Laura’s friend called Lauben.

About children’s health, this month we have had over 25 children suffer from Measles and 2 suffering from tuberculosis. This has been very expensive on our side. Several times the kids have been admitted to the hospital. Kindly keep praying for us. We also managed to get a medical technician who is partly working with us since it’s a government requirement for all the children’s homes in the country. Because of the medical personal that we have hired, this has helped us to limit on the number of kids that needed to be admitted to Kyegegwa and Mubende referral hospital. They are now being treated from here at out sickbay. He has also improved on the order in the sick bay as you can see from the pics below with the charts on the wall, the new beds, and the mosquito nets on the beds. The government also has a plan of immunizing all the children in the country by the 19th of Sept 2019.

We have also expended on our offices. We have got a new block for the counseling department since they needed privacy, and the Social workers department since it was also a recommendation by the Ministry. Therefore, we had to improvise one of the boy’s dormitory that had very few children. We combined them with the other children. We now have six Dormitories 3 for boys and 3 for girls.

Our volunteer Alex Rausch left on the 12th of August after 3 years of service. In her speech, she expressed how it’s very hard to leave people that you have lived together with as a family. After her speech, she awarded us a certificate from peace corps. Other speeches followed, and we later had a meal and a dance till late.

Thanks to our donors for making this all happen!