Hello Everyone!
Greetings from Miryante Orphanage and School. We really love you all and we do appreciate all that you are providing to us. The children are safe and healthy. Due to the outbreak of the Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID -19) the president of Uganda ordered closure of schools on 20thMarch 2020 across the country in attempt to prevent the spread of the virus. We managed to pick our children from boarding school at King Solomon secondary school, St. Thomas primary, St. Peter’s technical and St. Augustine Butiiti Teaching College. We brought them back to the orphanage and we also sent students from outside who were attending Miryante technical school back to their homes.
The social department also came up with the Easter holiday programs to help us manage the children and to make them busy around the orphanage during this time until the situation normalizes for them to go back to school. This program runs from Monday up to Sunday and these activities include prayers from their dormitories since the government has told us to avoid social gatherings, school book revisions, cow grazing, rabbits and goat rearing, planting vegetables, slashing the compound, digging in the gardens, and football every evening. This has helped our children learn more skills and helped us as management and caregivers to manage them and keep them occupied throughout the holiday. Regarding health, all our children are okay and we sensitized them about the coronavirus so that they are aware on how to prevent the spread of the virus. We are also in touch with children under the guardianship program to know if all is well with them. Since public transportation has been banned in Uganda, we have been limited on our movements, however the government has allowed us to check on the children in the guardianship program, especially those on medications. We have been given permission from the government to use a car to travel to their homes. We supplied 50kgs of maize flour to each household during the quarantine period.
Below are the photos of the children at Miryante occupied by different activities and food given to guardianship program :
Under the agriculture department, our crops are yielding and we have plenty of vegetables, plaintains , cassava , potatoes, pumpkins and greens as show below:
Under the farm our animals are doing great
We have managed to balance the diet of our children with the milk and different foods.
Thanks everyone for the support especially during such times when the world is at war with the Coronavirus.