December Newsletter 2022

Dear our beloved sponsors, donors, and friends.
We welcome you all to the end of the year 2022; we thank the almighty God who has brought us this far and for the continuous provisions. Through your generosity a lot has happened - our children received a steady food supply, received better education, and their health has improved dramatically. Your generosity has furthered our mission.

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the donors who made our children an end of year’s party and celebrations. The children were so happy and excited as they received new clothes, shoes, cut cake and also prepared them a delicious and most liked meal (rice, meat and stew). The celebrations were full of fun and happiness.



On centre days are fun to us and the children. We meet with our children to share with them different ideas and discuss issues they face at homes and school. It’s always a precious moment for children playing with their fellows as brothers and sisters. It’s during these centre days that different activities are done like singing, dancing, storytelling, and hair cutting. It’s also during these centre days when we give them donations like shoes and clothes.

We also gather together with the children for personal interactions. Although each is from a different background, we strive to create a spirit of togetherness and brotherhood amongst the children. We play different games; have counselling learn how to pray and shared stores among the child as seen below.


Our children completed their third term which marked the end of academic year 2022. Most all had excellent performance and they got promoted to other classes. We believe that with help of their class teachers and social worker’s school visits, they will continue to keep the better grades.

With much pleasure, we thank you for making sure that our children are kept at school. Education is one of the best ways of fighting ignorance which is rampant in our community. With the Covid-19 effect lots of children were disrupted in accessing education. But we are pleased to let you know that all the Miryante community Centre kids went back to school and most were promoted to the next levels.


Our children are doing well health wise, although a few are currently under medical attention. We are so happy to know that their health had improved. Children pick and swallow medicine on time and this is as evident with their physically appearance as they all have healthy bodies and rarely fall sick. We thank God for the children's health as we carry out timely checkups and administer medication where need be.


Home visits help to establish strong, positive communication between our social workers and our sponsored children’s care takers. Home visits help us with a glimpse into the lives of children we support; they offer a perspective on each individual family’s struggle, their well being, hygiene, their needs and what may require special attention.


With the sponsors’ support, our children receive monthly food support of maize flour and manna pack rice that has continued to boost their immune since the majority of our children on medication that calls for diet. Children together with their care takers are thankful and appreciative rendered to their families.

Our children received each a pair of clothes, shoes, two special meals and some animals as Christmas and New Year gifts from their sponsors and well-wishers. We truly appreciate your commitment.


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s during this time of the year when people share love, with your support; we managed to organize a party for our children. All the children were very excited and full of enthusiasm for the celebration. Most of them it was the first of its kind to celebrate on new clothes and shoes. The celebrations started as early as 9:00am since we had a number of activities for the day including a dance party. Together we sang Feliz Navidad song melodiously and it sounded as angels truly descended on earth.

We also ordered for cakes for the day, lunch was serviced in time which included; meat, rice, Matooke, Irish potatoes, chicken, rice, g.nuts, matoke, sodas and vegetables. The program concluded with the final dance which was fun and lively, on the whole, the party was super and fabulous and had the children asking for more.

We thank you all for always standing with us and for making this happen, for the generous support, encouragements and for loving the children of Miryante Community Centre. We wish you all a blessed 2023 as we are more expectant. Thank you once again.