Sponsor a Child

My Login Welcome Page

Welcome !

has_cap ("access_s2member_level0")) {
//echo "Access Level: " . get_user_field ("s2member_access_level", $user->ID). "\n";
$ccaparray = get_user_field ("s2member_access_ccaps", $user->ID);

foreach ($ccaparray as &$value) {
//echo "Array value: " . $value . "\n";
array_push($regarray, $value );

} else {


My Sponsorships

get_results( "SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_parent` = 73 AND `post_type`='page'" );
if ( $result )

foreach ( $result as $kids )
//echo "\n". $kids->ID;
$termmatch = "none";

$termresult = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM `wp_term_relationships`, `wp_terms` WHERE `wp_term_relationships`.`object_id` = " .$kids->ID . " AND `wp_terms`.`term_id` = `wp_term_relationships`.`term_taxonomy_id`" );

if ( $termresult )
foreach ( $termresult as $tids )

//echo "Tids: " . $tids->slug . "\n";

if (in_array($tids->slug, $regarray)) {
$termmatch = "yes";

if ($termmatch == "yes") {
setup_postdata( $kids );

post_title; ?>

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Your Account Details:

Membership Level: -1
Your User ID is: 0
Your Username is:
Your Email Address is:

You have logged in -1 times.
Your IP Address is:
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foreach ($s2member_paid_registration_times as $paid) {

$date = new DateTime("@$paid");
echo ($date->format('F j, Y H:i:s') . "\n



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$50.00 monthly sponsorship - My Login Welcome Page
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password strength indicator
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