Hello everyone!
Greetings from Miryante orphanage and school. We really love you all and we do appreciate all that you provide to us. We shall begin with the great smiles from the children! All of our kids are happy and healthy at the home and they all started school on 4th of Feb 2019.
In February, we received a team from the American Embassy with the help of our Peace Corps Volunteer Alex Rausch. This team spent a whole week at Miryante teaching children about computer technology and life skills. The children and some of the staff members learned a lot of things from this program, including new games, watching movies, dancing styles according to different cultures, and lessons about typing. The activities done in this program are shown in the pictures below:
Under the guardianship program, every two weeks, social workers and counselors of Miryante visit different households to interact with the children and their guardians to check on their progress.
Whenever the children under the guardianship program and their guardians have some problems, our counselors go and talk to them.
Pictures are below showing one of the social workers interacting, giving clothes and food to the children under the program in Migongwe village:
Pictures showing children who received scholastic materials as they return to school for the first term.
In February Alex’s husband Mr.Pankaj Taneja visited us. He donated story books, sweets and soccer balls to the kids. He also threw a party in the evening with the children and staff members to celebrate their engagement.
On the 14th of February, it was the Kyegegwa World Aids Day celebration. Miryante children and staff participated in this day. Pictures below show the Miryante team and other organizations marching to Kasule Primary School where the celebrations took place.
On the 11th of February, we managed to rescue a baby girl and we were able to work with police to find the mother. The baby was 9 months and we suspected the baby had been stolen from her mother. The baby stayed at Miryante for some days where she was being taken care off. We were able to donate some clothes and shoes, and later we handed her over to the mother with the help of police.
On weekends, our children do some handcrafts such as weaving baskets and table mats.
On 23rd the of Feb, we received some donations of books, pencils and pens from Laura’s friend, Sawan.
The planting season has also began. Pictures below are showing our nursery beds which have tomatoes, green paper, eggplants and kale seedlings ready to be transplanted.
We are also looking forward to expanding the banana plantation and planting more crops such as soybeans, cowpeas, maize, Irish potatoes and pumpkins to have enough foods for the children.
We are really so grateful for the support we want to say a very big thanks as management!